Tiff and the Colonia

Tiff is one of the co-founders of Abbey del Sol.
He has been coming to Puerto Morelos for over thirty years. During this time he has gained an intimate knowledge of the country and language.
He loves to share his knowledge and language skills with guests and occasionally takes them on trips free of charge.
Seeing the other side of Puerto Morelos.
In this blog episode Tiff will show you the Colonia side of Puerto Morelos.
Puerto Morelos is comprised of two parts.
One is the port side with its beautiful beaches, restaurants vivid nightlife and other tourist attractions.
Divided by mangroves to the west is the Colonia side.
Traditionally this is were mostly Mexicans lived. In recent years many foreigners have moved to this area and gated communities have sprung up. These provide the amenities US American and Canadians are accustomed to.
Follow Tiff along in this interesting video to see the other side.
A side away from tourism.