Spring is a “Refreshing” time …. updates and renovations
For many of our repeat guests you are aware of how often we update and refresh things in our apartments. As an example: Tiff and Abby were invited to dinner in apartment #11 by a couple who has stayed with us for 11 winters now and Abby was looking around as she was enjoying the delicious meal. “Why is the refrigerator tipped to the left?” She also knew this couple cooked all the time and stayed at Abbey del Sol for 6 to 8 weeks every winter. It was a small “full size” fridge and Abby felt it just wouldn’t do. So 2 days later Jin delivered a new, larger, much nicer fridge.
In the spring we go through every unit and house and be sure appliances are working correctly, beds are comfortable and all the furnishings are in good order. The fridge for #11 was just a little ahead of schedule.