Celebrate Mes de la Patria with Us at Abbey del Sol

September is Mes de la Patria, the “Month of the Homeland,” a time when Mexico celebrates its independence with pride and joy.

A group a Mexican children in a marching band celebrating indepence day.

Mes de la Patria is more than just a month of festivities; it’s a reminder of Mexico’s journey to independence and the resilience of its people. For many Mexicans, this time is about remembering the courage of those who fought for freedom and honoring the country’s deep cultural roots.

The Story Behind Mes de la Patria

Mes de la Patria centers around the events of September 16, 1810, the day that marks the beginning of Mexico’s struggle for independence. On this day, Father Miguel Hidalgo, a Catholic priest, famously rang the bell of his church in the town of Dolores and gave a passionate call to arms known as the Grito de Dolores. His cry urged the people to rise up against Spanish colonial rule, igniting the fight that would eventually lead to Mexico’s independence.

This historic moment is reenacted every year on the night of September 15, when leaders across the country gather to deliver the Grito, shouting “¡Viva México!” to crowds of people in cities and towns throughout the nation. The next day, September 16, marks Independence Day, a national holiday commemorated with parades, music, and community gatherings.

A Month of National Pride

Mes de la Patria is not just about the events of September 16; it’s a month-long celebration of Mexico’s rich history and cultural identity. Streets, homes, and businesses are decorated with Mexican flags, and traditional foods like chiles en nogada—a dish symbolizing the Mexican flag with its green, white, and red ingredients—are served in homes and restaurants. It’s a time for Mexicans to reflect on their past, honor their heroes, and celebrate the vibrant culture that defines their country today.

Why It Matters

The struggle for independence was long and challenging, lasting more than a decade. Heroes like Miguel Hidalgo, José María Morelos, and Vicente Guerrero are remembered for their roles in securing Mexico’s freedom.

This movement also laid the foundation for Mexico’s sense of unity and national identity, which continues to resonate strongly with its people.

For visitors, Mes de la Patria is an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of Mexico’s history and the values of courage, determination, and independence that are central to its culture. Even if you don’t witness the grand celebrations firsthand, you’ll feel the patriotic spirit in every corner of the country.