Discover the Magic of Turtle Season in Puerto Morelos

Imagine strolling along the serene beaches of Puerto Morelos in the early morning or late evening, feeling the cool breeze and the warmth of the rising sun. Suddenly, you witness one of nature’s most miraculous events—sea turtles nesting or baby turtles hatching and making their way to the ocean. This is the magic of turtle season, a time when our beautiful coastline becomes a sanctuary for these incredible creatures. Here’s everything you need to know about experiencing and respecting this natural wonder.

When is Turtle Season in Puerto Morelos?

Turtle season in Puerto Morelos typically runs from June to October. During these months, different species of sea turtles, including the Loggerhead, Green, and Hawksbill turtles, come ashore to lay their eggs. Later in the season, you’ll see the tiny hatchlings emerge and make their brave dash to the sea.

How to Behave Around Turtle Nests

Witnessing a turtle laying her eggs or baby turtles hatching is a privilege that comes with responsibility. Here are some important guidelines to follow:

  1. Keep Your Distance: Maintain a respectful distance from nesting turtles and hatchlings. Getting too close can disturb the turtles and prevent them from nesting or finding their way to the sea.
  2. Stay Quiet and Calm: Avoid loud noises and sudden movements. Turtles are sensitive to light and sound, and disturbances can cause them to abandon their nests.
  3. No Flash Photography: Never use flashlights or camera flashes. Artificial light can disorient both adult turtles and hatchlings, leading them away from the sea.
  4. Follow Marked Paths: If you come across a marked nesting site, follow any designated paths or instructions from local conservationists. These measures are in place to protect the turtles and their nests.

Join the Effort

As visitors, you can play a part in this vital conservation effort. By following the guidelines, supporting local conservation programs, and spreading awareness, we can all contribute to the preservation of sea turtles for future generations.

Enjoy your stay in Puerto Morelos, and if you’re lucky enough to witness a turtle nesting or hatchling event, remember to savor the experience while respecting these ancient mariners. Together, we can ensure that the magic of turtle season continues for years to come.