About Us
The Management Team

Owner & General Manager

Efrain (Jin)
Owner & Property Manager

Guests often ask us “How did Abbey del Sol come to be?” Being from the cold northern state of Minnesota, we, like many Minnesotans, found ourselves looking for someplace warm to spend the winters. At that time Mexico wasn’t on our list and we’d never heard of Puerto Morelos. Some dear friends suggested we rent their vacation home in Mexico. “Where in Mexico?” Abby asked. “Oh, south of Cancun.” Abby’s answer was the same as many of our guests, “Cancun! Can’t stand Cancun.” “Oh no,” our friend said, “Puerto Morelos isn’t like Cancun at all. You’ve got to try it.” So we did.
It is amazing where a simple “yes” can lead you. We arrived in Puerto Morelos and fell in love with the quaint little town. Five days into the vacation, Tiff was looking for a retirement home to buy, and before we left town we found the perfect place. Because the house had more than one apartment we looked around for someone to help us manage the property. We met Efrain (Jin) Ceballos and were able to turn the management of the property over to him and his company while Tiff and I enjoyed the sun and warmth and named our home "Abbey del Sol, The Abbey of the Sun". Of course, Abby wouldn’t be Abby, if she didn’t start suggesting décor and remodeling changes. Turns out Jin was really good at it too and when Nancy joined our company we found the three of just loved thinking of new ways to make the apartments prettier and more comfortable.
We hope you enjoy our lovely properties and fall in love with Puerto Morelos and all its wonderful residents just like we did.