Casa Zarah with 2 new Casitas, Catalina #1 and #2
Casa Zarah was completely renovated and updated in 2019. In the photos below you can see, top left, the back garden before the pool was added. The other photos show the completed back pool and garden. The owner decided to add two “Casitas” (one-bedroom apartments) to the back of his property, one of which will be the owner’s winter residence.
The Casitas, called Catalina #1 and #2, were completed in November 2022. The design and construction were overseen by the Abbey del Sol management Team and turned out beautifully. For families and large groups, it is perfect. Not only the main, 3-bedroom home with large gathering and eating space, but also two separate but still connected one-bedroom apartments if needed. To ensure privacy for the main house there will is a wall with a lovely fountain running along the property at the far end of the pool.

The two new casitas, Catalina #1 and #2

The first photo is the new back wall of the casitas with a lovely fountain. The living room of Catalina #1, and then the shared pool for the casitas.